Back To School: Make Up Bag Essentials

6 Sep

So sorry I have been gone for so long! The last month has been CRAZY! I wanted to just spend time with my family and friend before school started. Speaking of school, I started school last week and I have been bombed with homework and family parties. So I apologize again. On with with blog post!

Now I am fully aware that just about EVERYONE has started school already but I still really wanted to do a “Back To School” blog. There may be more, but do not count too much on them. This can be good for both middle school and high school.

Make Up Bag Essentials:


Powder- Everyone gets a little shiny throughout the day, especially after gym. So I would recommend carrying a powder. I have a CoverGirl pressed powder and I love it! You can match it to your skin type, too! Needed: Brush

Blush- Again, after gym you can touch up on your makeup. This is optional, not totally necessary. Obviously, if you do not wear blush, do not carry it! Or if you just do not want to carry it, do not do it! Totally optional. Needed: Brush


Mascara- If your mascara flakes or wears off, here is a touch up!


Clear Lip Gloss- Little shine to your lips πŸ™‚

Lip Balm- I love the EOS balms but they are kind of awkward especially with a small makeup bag. Take a tube of chap stick if a bigger lip balm does fit πŸ™‚


Perfume- I suggest a roll on. They are typically smaller and easier for a small make up bag. Touch some on after gym, in the bathroom, at your locker. But DO NOT over load it!

Hand Sanitizer- I suggest Bath and Body Works little PocketBac’s. Small and convenient. They also come in a HUGE selection of scents.

Small Lotion- Especially for those winter chapped hands!

Mirror- A compact mirror with a brush is a two-in-one! Always fun! Useful for on-the-go makeup or putting on make up with no mirror!




I purchased all these products with my own money and I am not getting payed to write about them.


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